I get my ads out there. I post real estate ads on Facebook, in OLX, PhilRealProperties, etc. And when the stars align and the phone start ringing, I get 2–5 verified clients per day. For a single agent like me, I’m pretty satisfied with it.
But recently I noticed that I’m actually putting so many roadblocks before the client can sign with me. I end up sabotaging my leads.
Sometimes I get so comfortable with my processes. A new client calls, I do the pitch. They request a quote. I give it to them.
Then another one calls, and another one. Soon I just automatically offer the quotes. Even when they say shut up, take my money.
And not only this.
I seem to be an expert at creating roadblocks before the client can get to me. Requesting that they send their email via SMS, asking them to fill forms, sending requirements, asking for a meeting where no meeting is required. I just cannot stop talking about benefits 1,2, 3 up to 10 in that order before even asking to visit the place.
I tell myself that its for pre qualification. I tell myself that its for educating my customers. But really, I think its just me not closing. I go thru all the motions of serving my clients without actually bothering to try to close on the first call.
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