This one is different. It’s not a usual Pinoy Recipe. Though I’m not sure why. We are an archipelago after all, and our seas abound with seafood. Nilagang seafood? The nearest I can think of is the simplest shrimp recipe we do, which is just put shrimp on pan, add a bit of water and salt, and let boil till water is gone. But the flavor profile of that dish is totally on a different level than the shrimp boil.
So anyway, there’s a Shrimp Shack in front of my grocery store and I was so tempted to go in there and have some great time with my sisters. (Hubby and son doesnt care much for seafood.) But I looked at the price, and of course, I thought that we’d enjoy it much better if I cooked it at home.
I searched online for the recipe and found that it requires Old Bay seasoning which my grocery doesn’t carry. Good thing I found it online at the Mccormick Philippines website. (no this is not a paid write up).
Delivery took about a week so this Shrimp Boil was 2 weeks in the making. Yes, that’s how much I wanted to have a taste! ????
Online recipes seemed simple enough. Just boil it haha! I got the first recipe I found – I think it was this one. And if you know me, you know that I don’t follow recipes as is because either I don’t have all the ingredients, or I don’t like the ingredient, or I simply want to tweak it. (That’s why I’m not a very good baker!)
Pinoy Shrimp Boil Recipe
- 4 liters of water
- beer (optional)
- 1 cup Old Bay
- 1 whole garlic -cut off top
- 2 large onion -quartered
- 2 tbsp salt
- lemon (I used about 10 pcs calamansi, deseed so it’s not bitter)
- half kilo baby potatoes
- any smoked sausage 1 pack
- 4 corn cut into 4
- 1 kilo shrimp preferably large -whatever you can afford
- assorted seafood
- 1 pack boiled peanuts (nilaga)
- butter/ margarine
- Boil water, beer, salt, and Old Bay, and calamansi.
- Add potatoes, onions, and garlic when water is boiling. Cook for about 10 minutes -till your potatoes are still firm but cooked.
- Add sausage and cook for 3 minutes more.
- Add corn and peanuts and cook for additional 10 minutes.
- Add shrimps and assorted seafood and boil for 4 more minutes.
- Drain liquid, and transfer to serving plates.
- For the butter, just melt it, add a bit of Old Bay and use as sauce or just simply pour over the Shrimp Boil.
Was it worth the wait? Definitely yes! I think we had this twice already for the past month. It’s so good as a chi cha for movies, just hanging out in the kitchen, and did I say beer?
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