

Night Swimming

Night Swimming by April Pagaling I practiced hurtlike how pearls are cultivated,methodically, with attention,this art of controlled wounding. I too became skilledin the art of turning trauma lustrous.This is how: first,you learn to treasure what hurts you,learn how beautiful things comefrom bodies in distress. But the ocean knows better.It knows the differencebetween cultivation and calcification,between keeping and containing.The pearls do…

The Witness

The Witness by April Pagaling (in reply to “Wala Nang Tao sa Sta. Filomena”) You stand in the stubbled field,a scarecrow stripped of its purpose,shirt faded to the hue of stillborn harvests.January light knifes sideways,spilling shadows longer than your body,  stretching beyond the moment  of its making. I have witnessed this scene before.Escalante’s fencepost scarecrowdraped in a dead man’s shirt, arms splayed.Lupao’s…

Lesson on Flowers

The flower openswithout violence. This is whatI learned in elementaryhow resistance livesin softness.I stand in the kitchen, watchingpetals drift into my teacup,thinking of mother’s handsfolding white sheets,how they will yellowwith time. Everything palebecomes something else.In dreams, I am notthis daughter who changeswithout permission. I amthe space between what shesaved and what she lost.She told me once:to preserve a floweryou must…