I realize I have been remiss in posting this classic Chicken and Pork Adobo recipe in my blog. The Filipino adobo is such throw together and simmer affair that I always forget that maybe some people would require a recipe guide. Adobo is one of those Pinoy recipes that you can just open your fridge and raid the pantry and put everything together thing.
As you might know, there are as many kinds and versions of the Pinoy adobo as there are days in the year. Some like their Adobo sweet, some has tomatoes, some have coconut milk or gata. Some are pure chicken or pure pork. (Or fish for that matter).
But you can also have a combination like this recipe of Chicken and Pork Adobo. My kind of Chicken and Pork Adobo is tostado. I usually let it boil till there’s no more liquid left and the leftover oil is used to fry the meat. This would leave a tasty almost fried adobo goodness. This is my second adobo this week and I hope you enjoy it!
My Tostadong Chicken and Pork Adobo Recipe
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