Family vacations are special time of the year where we relax, enjoy and spend time with our family. But there can also be a bit of challenges for Moms like us. Travelling with your kids can be a bit like taking a herd of wild goats. Fortunately enough we are here to share you some tips.
1. Take your time.
The greatest thing you can have is extra time. Kids love to explore, run, and play. Bet it at the airport or just plain sight seeing. They don’t care about the precious timeframes when travelling. That also involves screaming, biting, stalling, and tantruming. So you are more likely to retain your cool if you are mentally prepared for that.
2. Plan ahead.
Either if you are taking flights or booking at a hotel, booking ahead of time not only saves you last minute pressures but can also save you money. Flights like Cebu Pacific offers price discounts like piso travel single journey. I also look coupon sites like ensogo to check promos of available hotels.
3. Let Them Play the Photographer
A child friendly camera encourages them to play with their creativity and focus on what interests them. It also helps them develop awareness of their surroundings. You might be surprised what pictures interests them from their point of view. Aside from pictures of feet and other awkward photos, my little Arya took pictures of people, flowers, rocks and dog poo.
4. Invest in a GPS Tracker.
Everytime I see a child wearing some kind of leash that is connected to their Mom’s hand feels like an inner me is rebelling. I like to grumble and grumble. But technically, one can argue that there’s nothing wrong with it.
Now say hello to GPS Trackers. A decade ago, it could have only existed in spy or sci-fi movies. But now, it’s even available on CDR-King and Lazada. They can wear it, put it in a watch, place them in a bag or almost anywhere. Once they are 5 meters away from you, the device can automatically beep for you. No more leash ok? We are sosyal! We do GPS Trackers.
5. Avoid Sweets
No matter what happens, resist the urge of buying them or giving them sweets. Try healthy baon like fruits and snacks like sandwiches instead6. Anything to avoid turning your child into a sugar rushed kid.
6. Pack Your Medicine Kit.
Always good to be ready. My mom back when I was a child used to bring a pack of medicine like bonamine, medicol, and camphor oil when we travel. Now I bring my medicine kit to handle travel sickness in case it happens.
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