The Not-So-Secret Secret To My Sanity: Make A Plan


Why I Make a Yearly Plan

I’ve always been a planner, and I’ve come to realize that it’s not just about making lists or having a calendar. A good plan can make all the difference in your life. So, what is this thing called “planning” anyway? Well, planning is any activity that helps you achieve your goals in the future. It doesn’t matter if you call it 2023 or 2027; if you set aside some time each month for thinking about what changes you want to make in order to improve yourself (or your business) then it counts as planning.

Planning can be done on paper or digitally, but it should be tangible so that it can remind us how far we’ve come when looking back on our progress from year one!

Planning does not mean perfection! Do not expect everything on your yearly plan will happen exactly as planned—sometimes things do get thrown off track due to unforeseen circumstances like illness or bad weather! But even if something goes wrong with one part of your plan, another part will still work out just fine thanks to those little nuggets of wisdom like “Always remember: Plans are made to be broken!”

What’s next?

It’s true that there are things in life that can’t be planned for—like when your boss calls at 2:00 a.m., or when your kid brings home a girlfriend—but for most people, those are rare occurrences and not worth stressing over. When they do happen (and they will), it’s better to know what to do next than to have no idea where your life is headed at all!

Always know what is important.

I prioritize my goals and then focus on one thing at a time so that I can accomplish them all. This is how I get work done and stay sane in the process of getting things done.

In order for me to do this, there are some key things that need to happen:

  • You need to know what’s important – The first step in being able to accomplish anything worthwhile is knowing what your priorities are, so you can make decisions about how best to spend your time/energy on different projects (and not get distracted by other things). If something isn’t important enough for you right now (or ever), then it’s probably not worth spending any time on it at all!
  • You need clarity – Clarity comes when everything gets organized into categories like “important” or “not urgent” so that they’re easy-to-find when needed later down the road—when planning ahead becomes necessary because there wasn’t enough clarity initially due lack thereof!

Don’t be a survival junkie.

You might be in survival mode because you don’t have a plan and you have too many things to do.

Or maybe you’re just overwhelmed with all the things that need to get done and haven’t even thought about what’s going on this past year yet!

When you’re in survival mode, it’s easy to feel like you’re doing something important. It’s because you don’t have a safety net—you’re just running on autopilot. And you feel like you might die if you don’t stop. You might not even know what’s important or how much time and energy is going into your projects. It happens to everyone, but it doesn’t mean we can’t do anything about it.

If your mind is constantly racing from one thing to another without any downtime, then I would suggest taking some time out each morning (or at least before anything gets started) and jot down some ideas for how things could go better next year—and stick those ideas into an actual calendar so they’re visible throughout the year rather than just being written down as “to-do.”

At the end of each night and the beginning of each morning, I sit down to plan my day. Or do it while showering. nothing so formal about it. This is not new or revolutionary advice, but it’s important advice that everyone should follow. More than once a day, I change my mind about what I need to accomplish, so taking a few minutes a day to sketch out a plan saves me from spending a lot of time feeling overwhelmed and frustrated in the future.

Developing a yearly plan is the key to staying sane and on track when you have a big life!

If you’re like me and have a lot going on in your life, then it’s easy for things to get out of control. You may start working all hours of the day, with no time left over for yourself or your family. Or maybe you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by all the stuff that needs doing and just need some extra space so that you can relax!

Either way: a yearly plan is the key to staying sane and on track when you have a big life!

A yearly plan is simply an organized list of all the things that need doing each year (or quarter). It helps us keep track of what we’ve done with our time so far—and what still needs doing—so we know what projects are next up on our list.

When I make a yearly plan, it helps me feel in control of my life and priorities so that I can take care of myself in the best way possible.

I also find it helpful because my system works for me: it supports my creativity by giving me time for writing new stories or being involved in new projects; it gives me a structure by outlining deadlines for each project; and most importantly, it allows me to prioritize my projects so that I can see their big picture before starting any work on them (which makes them easier).


So, what do you think? Are you on board with developing a yearly plan? I hope so! It’s such a great way to stay organized and in control of your life. I know it can be hard when there are so many things happening all at once, but if you take one thing at a time then everything will fall into place perfectly.


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